Assumption Parish in Windsor, ON
March 15th - Lent 3-A
Prelude: Come Back
Processional: Power of Your Love v2(96)
Psalm: Psalm 95 (CBW 50) Denis
Offertory: Come to the Water (AW 23)
Communion 1: Christ is Enough (AW 21)
Communion 2: Kyrie Eleison()
Recessional: Jesus Messiah (AW 65)
March 8th - Lent 2-A
Prelude: Come Back
Processional: Power of Your Love v1(96)
Psalm: Psalm 33 (CBW 47) Josh
Gospel Acclamation: Tessa
Offertory: At the Cross (AW 11)
Communion 1: Seek the Lord (RS 540)
Communion 2: Kyrie Eleison()
Recessional: Show Me Your Glory (AW 105)
March 1st - Lent 1-A
Prelude: Come Back
Processional: Lord Who Throughout These 40 Days (RS 553)
Psalm: Psalm 51 (CBW 44) Sarah
Gospel Acclamation: Denis new!
Offertory: Lead me to the Cross (AW 68)
Communion 1: I Surrender (AW 57)
Communion 2: Kyrie Eleison (--) new!
Recessional: Your Grace is Enough (AW 124)
Feb. 23 - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Processional: Christ is Enough (AW 21)
Psalm 103 (CBW 130)
Offertory: Overwhelmed (AW 94)
Communion 1: Jesus I Need You (AW 63)
Communion 2: I Love You Jesus (AW 55)
Recessional: Your Grace is Enough (AW 124)
Feb. 16 - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Processional: How Majestic (AW 52)
Psalm 119 (CBW 127)
Offertory: To God Alone (AW 113)
Communion 1: Trust in You (AW 115)
Communion 2: Be Thou Exalted (AW 15)
Recessional: 10,000 Reasons (AW 2)
Feb. 9 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Processional: Walk in the Light (AW 116)
Psalm 112 (CBW 124) James
Gospel Acclamation: Carol
Offertory: Healing Grace (AW 44)
Communion 1: Trust in You (AW 115)
Communion 2: How Majestic (AW 52)
Recessional: Lord I Need You (AW 76)
Holy Holy ::: new!
Feb. 2 - The Presentation of the Lord
Processional: Shine Jesus Shine (AW 103)
Psalm 24 (CBW 214) Sarah
Offertory: Here I am Lord (RS 802)
Communion 1: Jesus Messiah (AW 65)
Communion 2: Holy is Our King (AW 48)
Recessional: Empowered (AW 30)
Jan. 19 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
Processional: Overwhelmed (AW 94)
Psalm: Psalm 40 (CBW 115)
Offertory: What A Beautiful Name (AW 118)
Communion 1: Overcome (AW 93)
Communion 2: My All in All (AW 84)
Recessional: Glory to God Forever (AW 37)
Jan. 12 - Baptism of the Lord - A
Processional: Shine Jesus Shine (AW 103)
Psalm 29 (CBW 38) Josh
Offertory: Come to the Water (AW 23)
Lamb of God new!
Communion 1: Jesus Messiah (AW 65)
Communion 2: This is Jesus (AW 112)
Recessional: Build Your Kingdom Here (AW 20)
Jan. 5 Epiphany - A
Processional: Lord Today (RS 536)
Psalm 72 (CBW 37)
Offertory: God Rest Ye/We 3 Kings(AW 38)
Communion 1: What Child is This (RS 530)
Communion 2: Let us Adore (AW 70)
Recessional: Go Tell it on the Mountain (RS 514)
Dec. 29 Holy Family A
Processional: Joy to the World (RS 524)
Psalm 128 (CBW 33)
Offertory: Let Heaven Rejoice (CBW 557)
Communion 1: Rejoice (AW 99)
Communion 2: Joseph’s Song
Recessional: Mary’s Boy Child (AW 80)
Dec. 22 Advent 4A
Prayer: Eleanore
Processional: The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (CBW 316)
Psalm 24 (CBW 26) Tessa
Offertory: My Soul Rejoices (AW 86)
Communion 1: Mother of Hope (AW 65)
Communion 2: Immanuel (AW 59)
Recessional: O Come Divine Messiah
Dec. 15 Advent 3-A
Prelude: Wait 4 the Lord
Processional: O Come O Come Emmanuel (RS 493)
Psalm 146 (CBW 23)
Offertory: Even So, Come
Communion 1: Eagles Wings (AW 28)
Communion 2: Almost There
Recessional: Days of Elijah (AW 25)
Dec. 8 Advent 2-A
Prelude: Wait 4 the Lord
Processional: O Come O Come Emmanuel (RS 493) NEW
Psalm 72 (CBW 20)
Offertory: Even So, Come
Communion 1: Christ be our Light
Communion 2: I Long For You
Recessional: Days of Elijah (AW 25)
Dec. 1 Advent 1-A
Prelude: Wait 4 the Lord NEW
Processional: Elohim Adonai
Psalm 122
Offertory: Even So, Come NEW
Communion 1: Christ be our Light NEW
Communion 2: Eagles Wings
Recessional: 10,000 Reasons
Nov. 24 Christ the King
1. (Glory To God Forever) click HERE
2. (Jesus Christ Is Lord) click HERE NEW
Nov. 17 Sunday 33-C
Nov. 10 Sunday 32-C
6. (Psalm 17) click HERE
Nov. 3 Sunday 31-C
1. (Glory To God Forever) click HERE
September 15 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer: John
Processional: Indescribable (AW 60)
Psalm: Psalm 51 (CBW 183) Dennis
Gospel Acclamation: Josh
Offertory: 10,000 Reasons (AW 2)
Communion 1: Amazing Grace - Tomlin (AW 7)
Communion 2: Lord Have Mercy (AW 75)
Recessional: This is Amazing Grace (AW 111)
September 22 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer: Fang Fang
Processional: Here I am to Worship (AW 45)
Psalm: Psalm 113 (CBW 186) Natalie
Gospel Acclamation: Sarah
Offertory: I am the Bread of Life (AW 53)
Communion 1: Great I Am (AW 40)
Communion 2: Fire Fall Down (AW 32)
Recessional: For Your Name (AW 33)
September 29 - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer: Dave
Processional: Mighty to Save (AW 81)
Psalm: Psalm 146 (CBW 189) Carol
Gospel Acclamation: Brian
Offertory: Amazing Grace - Tomlin (AW 7)
Communion 1: I Surrender (AW 57)
Communion 2: Awesome (AW 13)
Recessional: Holy is the Lord (AW 49)
Sept. 24 Sunday 25-A
Sept. 17 Sunday 24-A
Sept. 10 Sunday 23-A
Sept. 3 Sunday 22-A
Aug. 20 Sunday 20-A
Dec. 18 Advent 4-A
Dec. 11 Advent 3-A
March 20 Palm Sunday
You may listen to the songs that will be heard at Sunday evening Mass so as to prepare yourself to sing your praises to the Lord.
And, following the Mass, you may also wish to listen to some of your favourite praise & worship songs.
Simply click on the appropriate YouTube link.